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MFM water map...

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:01 am
by tenuk8
MFM really excels with the continuous up to date of the road map and POIs.... with the addition of topo map... it somehow complete the equation.... however it's hard not to notice that the water map is still below par...

i'm totally noob on the programming and software... however if i can, i would suggest to use the water map from google earth which are quite in detail already... if this is possible... indirectly it will compliment the existing MFM-SRTM....

if this can be implement... i will be great for the outdoor guy...

a suggestion... :peace:

anyhow... all the pass and present works in MFM are simply FANTASTICCCO...!!! :prayer:

Re: MFM water map...

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:44 am
by keong8260
tenuk8 wrote:MFM really excels with the continuous up to date of the road map and POIs.... with the addition of topo map... it somehow complete the equation.... however it's hard not to notice that the water map is still below par...

i'm totally noob on the programming and software... however if i can, i would suggest to use the water map from google earth which are quite in detail already... if this is possible... indirectly it will compliment the existing MFM-SRTM....

if this can be implement... i will be great for the outdoor guy...

a suggestion... :peace:

anyhow... all the pass and present works in MFM are simply FANTASTICCCO...!!! :prayer:

Do you mean "marine map", like Garmin Blue Chart?

Re: MFM water map...

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 3:08 pm
by wblee
Do u mean the map for river and lake?

Re: MFM water map...

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:46 pm
by pohon_piasau
Looking forward about this thread. I hope someday MFM will produce Marine Map, so angler and mariner do benefit from the map.

BTW, MFM ROCKS.. I Love it!! and Thousand of Thanks to MFM Team.

Re: MFM water map...

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:13 am
by mohicans
To compliment our MFM maps with detailed rivers of Malaysia would be good oso for a start! :mrgreen: ...kan? :-k