sobamy wrote:silverbeauty wrote:snip snip....You cannot find Garmin Navigator for Android in playstore in Malaysia-Singapore because it is a subscription only service for Australia phone service provider Telstra Next G® customers.
If I am not wrong, Aussie map is stored on Telstra server and you need to log on to Telstra so no data charges are incurred.....snip snip
Just curious, if one purchase a Telstra pre-paid phone card in Australia (if there is one there), can one have the priviledge to use their map?
Bro sobamy
The subscription rates as stated in Playstore for Garmin Navigator Telstra Next G® customers are :
Subscribe in-app to premium feature offers exclusive to Telstra Next G® customers:
• 24 hour pass ($1.95)
• Monthly subscription ($7.95), first month FREE for new customers
• 12 month pass ($69.95), save over 25% versus 12 x monthly payments
Post-Paid customer charges are included on your Telstra bill. Pre-Paid customer charges are deducted from your account balance.
Terms & Conditions can be found here: ... taserv.htm.